Автор: 266-60 Дата: 26 сентября 2020 г., суббота
Рейтинг: +22
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Венгрия, ТС индивидуального изготовления № YDD-232
Комментарии (5)
bookwar79 · Волгоградская область
Фото: 7 · Цитата (40RUS, 26.11.2021):
> из Мультикара, Не... у того мост массивнее, а тут УАЗ (не особо похоже) или АРО или еще что-то подобное
Фото: 7016 · Редактор БД Цитата (Новоалтаец, 26.11.2021):
> На трактор не особо похоже. Officially it is registered as a "wheeled tractor for special purposes". There are many similar vehicles, and all of them are registered as wheeled tractors. In most cases, it is not clear what it was built from, components can be derived from any models which were available when it was built. I consider them as alternatives of the classic T16M self-propelled tractor, which was not so common here. Since they usually don't have cabine, I guess they could be categorized as special vehicles rather than trucks, and the lack of cabine is the reason why such technique could be registered as tractors. I admit that this is a borderline case, but there are similar ones already on site: http://fototruck.ru/photo/274002/ http://fototruck.ru/photo/285035/ http://fototruck.ru/photo/274135/ http://fototruck.ru/photo/274004/
Фото: 17223 · Общий редактор Всё, понял. Если они зарегистрированы как трактор, значит это тихоходное транспортное средство, в данном случае на сайте это выглядит как самоходное шасси, если оно заводское, а если самодельное, то Транспортное Средство индивидуального изготовления.
______________ That's it, got it. If they are registered as a tractor, then this is a slow-moving vehicle, in this case on the website it looks like a self-propelled chassis, if it is factory-made, and if homemade, then a vehicle of individual manufacture.
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Фото: 17223 · Общий редактор