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Vehicles List


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Reg. # Ch. Ser.# Body Built Since... To... Withdrawn Region Depot Remarks
(22) Б/Н 0191 Altai region Novoaltajsk, others
М 605 КА 22 Altai region Others
(02) Б/Н 0043 Unknown model Bashkortostan Bizhbulyak i r-n
2458 БАП 4992 1987 05.1987 Bashkortostan Baltachevskijj R-n
(31) Б/Н 0020 Belgorod region Alex. other
Е 475 ТЕ 31 Belgorod region Alex. other
Л 4113 БЕ 1083 1988 Belgorod region Other Valuyki
С 373 ЕУ 31 10209 Unknown model 1988 Belgorod region Others
О 833 ЕХ 174 7831 1988 Chelyabinsk region Asha
464-93 ММ 26999 1991 Chernihiv region Others
0060 КРТ 1988 Crimea Others
37-46 КРП 5748 1987 06.1991 Crimea Others
А 344 ХС 82 13020 1989 03.2015 Crimea Others
А 458 ХЕ 82 15161 1989 11.2014 Crimea Others
Е 9075 МЯ 25912 1991 04.1994 Crimea Others
Н 0943 МЯ 22974 1991 04.1994 Crimea Others
К 1613 АВ Dagestan Others
(KZ16) Б/Н 0021 East Kazakhstan region Others, U-Ka
0569 КЖН 8314 1988 Kaluga region Others
В 246 ХР 40 11220 1988 Kaluga region Others
А 945 ХЕ 10 1995 Karelia Others
Х 935 ОО 42 23581 1991 03.2011 Kemerovo region Others
АА 0671 ІК 7035 1988 Kiev Others
К 033 АН 43 Kirov region Others
С 264 ВЕ 43 1991 12.1999 Kirov region Others г.Киров
Н 274 РЕ 11 1991 Komi Others
О 027 СВ 23 1987 Krasnodar region Others
Т 279 ЕС 123 Krasnodar region Others
В 871 МУ 124 1991 11.2014 Krasnoyarsk region Others
АВ 4853-7 Minsk Others
У 932 ТУ 150 1992 Moscow region Others
0953 ОДО 43702 1988 1988 19.04.2004 Odessa region КП "ОГЭТ"
(57) Б/Н 0042 Orel region Others
005-18 СК 18798 1990 Poltava region Others
157-58 СК Poltava region Others
(25) Б/Н 0003 Primorsky Krai Others
268-86 РВ 9312 1988 Rivne region Others
(61) Б/Н 0024 Rostov region Others
В 099 НА 161 1991 Rostov region Others
О 683 КН 161 1989 Rostov region Others
Р 004 ХА 61 1989 Rostov region Others
Х 200 КА 116 1996 Rostov region Others
(62) Б/Н 0103 Ryazan region Others
(62) Б/Н 0104 Ryazan region Others
(63) Б/Н 0084 Samara region Stavropolskiy dstr
(63) Б/Н 0087 Samara region Stavropolskiy dstr
С 103 АВ 163 Samara region Togliatti
У 453 ЕУ 63 3546 1986 Samara region Syzran
(92) Б/Н 0015 Sevastopol «Red Army»
151-93 КР 2787 1986 12.1995 Sevastopol Trash services
СН 4009 АВ 4352 1986 2005 ≈ 2016 Sevastopol Trash services
078-71 СА 25116 Unknown model 1991 Sumy region Others
60-65 СУН 5957 1987 Sumy region Others
В 723 ММ 14 17764 1990 Sverdlovsk region UMMC Museum
Е 623 СВ 68 Unknown model 1986 2022 Tambov region 1
(70) Б/Н 0033 Tomsk region Tomsk
О 386 ОО 70 1990 Tomsk region Others
4844 КАС Tver region «Lenin w»
А 863 ЕА 69 1989 Tver region Udomlya municipal di
К 826 ВО 69 18135 1990 Tver region Konakovo and region
Т 311 ВУ 33 1991 06.2019 Tver region Konakovo and region
А 957 КМ 72 1989 2003 Tyumen region Tyumen
О 117 АЕ 18 23758 1991 06.1999 Udmurtia Others
АА 4333-2 Vitebsk region Others
Р 315 ВУ 34 1991 Volgograd region Other Volzskiy

Records shown: 65 from 65

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