
Комментарии к Беларус-820.2 № YKB-184

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Новоалтаец · 24.09.2021 06:59 MSK
Фото: 16135 · Общий редактор

Добавлю только, что поставки в ту же Венгрию были с Советского Союза, так как она входила в состав СЭВ, поэтому поставки от нас перебивали своих производителей зачастую. То есть, они нам Икарусы, а мы им МТЗ и всё без денег. К700 не поставлялся потому что наш Кировский завод не успевал их клепать, своей стране не хватало, так ещё, напомню, его и за границу продавали на экспорт! Ну и стоил он дорого и ценился сильно, был довольно сложной машиной.
I will only add that supplies to the same Hungary were from the Soviet Union, since it was part of the CMEA, so supplies from us often interrupted their manufacturers. That is, they are Icaruses for us, and we are MTZ for them and all without money. The K700 was not delivered because our Kirov plant did not have time to rivet them, it was not enough for our country, so, let me remind you, it was also sold abroad for export! Well, it was expensive and highly valued, it was quite a complex machine.

Венгрия, Беларус-820.2 № YKB-184
Венгрия, Mirsa Mechanika (общая модель) № YGK-648
266-60 · 23.09.2021 21:43 MSK
Фото: 6605 ·

In the 60s, Hungarian agriculture was in a crisis, because the national factory Vörös Csillag Traktorgyár was too far from being able to make enough tractors for the agricultural cooperatives, so there was a massive demand for import tractors. Earlier, this meant the import of Zetor tractors, but this changed by the introduction of the model MTZ-50. This model became incredibly popular in Hungary, and the triumph was continued by the MTZ-80 and 82 models(manufacturing of Dutra models was stopped in the late 70s). Other Russian wheeled tractors, for example LTZ were almost unknown here. The JuMZ models were also rare, they occured mostly as excavators having an EO-2621 tool. In the bigger category, the Zetor Crystal family was the monopolistic, but some of the Fortschritt models were also in use. T150K was a widespread but moderately common machine, the K700A / K701 was a rare model, and almost all of them was replaced by the Rába Steiger series.

Detailed data of the stock of road vehicles from the last few years can be found here:


Венгрия, Беларус-820.2 № YKB-184
Венгрия, Mirsa Mechanika (общая модель) № YGK-648
hotimsk · Могилёвская область · 23.09.2021 19:53 MSK
Фото: 6282 ·

Цитата (Alex 2005, 23.09.2021):
> Почему в Венгрии так много тракторов марки МТЗ

Побродите по просторам ю-туба, найдёте МТЗ в разных странах.
Или вот фильмец россияне сняли о МТЗ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QME52NWhImE

Венгрия, Беларус-820.2 № YKB-184
Венгрия, Mirsa Mechanika (общая модель) № YGK-648
MedveD · Витебская область · 23.09.2021 18:45 MSK
Фото: 270 ·

Есть такое понятие, как "экспорт".

Венгрия, Беларус-820.2 № YKB-184
Венгрия, Mirsa Mechanika (общая модель) № YGK-648
Alex 2005 · Витебская область · 23.09.2021 17:00 MSK
Фото: 576 ·

Почему в Венгрии так много тракторов марки МТЗ?

Венгрия, Беларус-820.2 № YKB-184
Венгрия, Mirsa Mechanika (общая модель) № YGK-648