Photo encyclopedia


Editor: Valius Kedainietis.

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Special vehicles
Trailers and semi-trailers
Entire listlist of the models
Car carriers
Bucket trucks and autolifts
Crane trucks
Trucks for drilling and/or driving piles
Trucks for working with concrete and mortar
Excavator trucks
Vacuum trucks and sewer cleaners
Special equippment for aeroports
Platform trucks
Chain container transporters
Crew carriers
Special equippments for military purposes
Gas transporters
Autobus-type vans for cargo and special purposes
Combined vehicles for cargo and passenger transport
Special equippments for disinfection, heat production
Road repairing machinery, asphalters
Road cleaners
Armoured trucks for collection and transportation of money
Trucks with special purpose box (workshops, laboratories, etc.)
Compressor and pump stations
Container trucks for swap bodies (BDF)
Ice producers
Timber trucks and long material carriers
Trucks for collecting and transportation of scrap metals
Medical purpose vehicles
Hook carriers, multilifts
Garbage trucks
Oil exploration trucks, geophysical equippments
Repair trucks for overhead lines
Firefighter equippments
Dump trucks
Agricultural vehicles
Special vehicles of law enforcement agencies
Sport cars, show cars
Special trucks for television, radio, filming
Fuel tankers and fuel pumping stations
Semi-trailer trucks
Box lorries for cargo
Cement and bulk carriers
Tank trucks (except fuel and dry materials)
Tow trucks
Tractors with ballast
Trucks on the railway motion
Semi-tracked vehicles
Uniaxial tractors
Other equippments

Agrokoncerno grupė list of the models
AIBĖ, Retail network list of the models
Akmenės transportas, UAB list of the models
Arijus, UAB list of the models
Aukštaitijos vandenys, AB list of the models
Autokausta, UAB list of the models
Automagistralė, VĮ list of the models
Autovesta, UAB list of the models
Baltic Logistic Solutions, UAB list of the models
Baltic Transline, UAB list of the models
Betono centras, UAB list of the models
Bružtė, UAB / Transviko, UAB list of the models
Busturas, UAB list of the models
CIRCLE K list of the models
Dorcas, UAB list of the models
Dotransa, UAB list of the models
Ecoservice, UAB list of the models
Ekonovus, UAB list of the models
Elme Transportas, UAB list of the models
Gaschema, UAB list of the models
Gedlito transportas, UAB list of the models
GIRTEKA Logistics, Lithuania (GIRTEKA) list of the models
A. Griciaus autotransporto įmonė list of the models
Gudobelė, UAB list of the models
Hidrostatyba, UAB list of the models
HISK, AB list of the models
Horvatra, UAB list of the models
IKI, Retail network list of the models
Inkomsta, UAB list of the models
Iviltra, UAB list of the models
Jargala, UAB list of the models
Jonavos paslaugos, UAB list of the models
Kamesta, UAB list of the models
Kauno autobusai, UAB list of the models
Kauno keliai, UAB list of the models
Kauno švara, UAB list of the models
Kauno tiltai, AB list of the models
Kauno vandenys, UAB list of the models
Kelių priežiūra, VĮ list of the models
Kerulis ir Partneriai, UAB list of the models
Kėdainių kranai, UAB list of the models
Kėdainių vandenys, UAB list of the models
KG Group, Kauno grūdų įmonių grupė list of the models
Klaipėdos profesinio mokymo centras, VŠĮ list of the models
Konteka, UAB list of the models
Lietuvos geležinkeliai, AB list of the models
Lifosa, AB list of the models
Lytagra, AB list of the models
Logistikos grupė, UAB list of the models
Margūnas, UAB list of the models
MAXIMA Lietuva, Retail network (MAXIMA) list of the models
Molėtų technikos muziejus VšĮ list of the models
Montuotojas, AB list of the models
Naftėnas, UAB list of the models
Naftrus, UAB list of the models
NKG Transport, UAB (TRALAI.LT) list of the models
NNL LT, UAB list of the models
NORFA, Retail network list of the models
Norveka, UAB list of the models
Olrida, J. Stankevičiaus firma list of the models
Ortima, UAB list of the models
Pajūrio vairavimo mokykla, UAB list of the models
Panevėžio darbo rinkos mokymo centras, VŠĮ list of the models
Panevėžio specialus autotransportas, AB list of the models
Panevėžio statybos trestas, AB list of the models
Parnasas, UAB list of the models
Perdanga, UAB list of the models
Petva, UAB list of the models
Pienas LT, Žemės Ūkio Kooperatyvas list of the models
Pieno žvaigždės, AB list of the models
Požeminės linijos, UAB list of the models
Prima Line, UAB list of the models
Redeka, UAB list of the models
Regitra, VĮ list of the models
Respublikos NT, UAB list of the models
Riotransa, UAB list of the models
Rivona, UAB list of the models
Rokauta, UAB list of the models
Rokiškio sūris, AB list of the models
Samsonas, UAB list of the models
SENUKAI, Retail network list of the models
Skendija, UAB list of the models
Skongalis, UAB list of the models
Sodeliškių technikos muziejus list of the models
Strėlė logistics, UAB list of the models
Šiaulių PGT muziejus list of the models
Švyturys – Utenos alus, UAB list of the models
Timbex, UAB list of the models
Tomega, UAB list of the models
Transekspedicija, UAB list of the models
Transkela, UAB list of the models
Translandijos transportas, UAB list of the models
Transocean Lietuva, UAB list of the models
Transporto vystymo grupė, UAB list of the models
Ukmergės keliai, AB list of the models
Ukmergės versmė, UAB list of the models
Utenos mėsa, UAB list of the models
Vaizga, UAB list of the models
Vakarų švara, UAB list of the models
Vičiūnai Group list of the models
Vytauto Didžiojo karo muziejus list of the models
Vlantana, UAB list of the models
Vlantana, UAB, Mokymo Centras list of the models
VSA, UAB list of the models
VVT, UAB list of the models
Žemaitijos keliai, UAB list of the models
Žemaitijos pienas, AB list of the models
Others operators list of the models
Lithuanian Army list of the models

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