Photo encyclopedia

Vitebsk region
Вiцебская вобласць

Editors: Alex 2005, Данька.

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Special vehicles
Trailers and semi-trailers
Entire listlist of the models
Car carriers
Bucket trucks and autolifts
Crane trucks
Trucks for drilling and/or driving piles
Trucks for working with concrete and mortar
Excavator trucks
Vacuum trucks and sewer cleaners
Special equippment for aeroports
Platform trucks
Chain container transporters
Crew carriers
Special equippments for military purposes
Gas transporters
Autobus-type vans for cargo and special purposes
Combined vehicles for cargo and passenger transport
Special equippments for disinfection, heat production
Road repairing machinery, asphalters
Road cleaners
Armoured trucks for collection and transportation of money
Trucks with special purpose box (workshops, laboratories, etc.)
Compressor and pump stations
Container trucks for swap bodies (BDF)
Ice producers
Timber trucks and long material carriers
Trucks for collecting and transportation of scrap metals
Medical purpose vehicles
Hook carriers, multilifts
Garbage trucks
Oil exploration trucks, geophysical equippments
Repair trucks for overhead lines
Firefighter equippments
Dump trucks
Agricultural vehicles
Special vehicles of law enforcement agencies
Sport cars, show cars
Special trucks for television, radio, filming
Fuel tankers and fuel pumping stations
Semi-trailer trucks
Box lorries for cargo
Cement and bulk carriers
Tank trucks (except fuel and dry materials)
Tow trucks
Tractors with ballast
Trucks on the railway motion
Semi-tracked vehicles
Uniaxial tractors
Other equippments

Others list of the models
Fire trucks of ME list of the models
Road service trucks list of the models
Автомобили МВД list of the models
JSC "Vitebskoblavtotrans" list of the models
RUE "Vitebskenergo" list of the models
RUE "Vitebskoblgas" list of the models
JSC "Belvtorchermet" list of the models
Vitebsk GPLKhO list of the models
УЖКХ Витебской области list of the models
Vitebsk oblpotrebsoyuz list of the models
Агропромышленный холдинг "Славянский Велес" list of the models
ОАО "Белсвязьстрой" list of the models
JSC "Vitebskkhlebprom" list of the models
ОАО "Витебский облагросервис" list of the models
ОАО "Трест Белсантехмонтаж №1" list of the models
Автомобили автошкол (учебные) list of the models
Автомобили учреждений образования list of the models
Truck of The Belarusian Railway list of the models
CargoLine (Vitebsk) list of the models
JSC "Moloko" (Vitebsk) list of the models
CAUP "Specautobase" (Vitebsk) list of the models
ОАО "Строительный трест №9" (Витебск) list of the models
CE "Gordormost" (Vitebsk) list of the models
ОАО "Витебскдрев" list of the models
ЧТУП "Витстройтехмаш" (Витебск) list of the models
JSC "Vitebsk LVZ" list of the models
УПП "Запад-Транснефтепродукт" (Витебский филиал) list of the models
JSC "Zhilstroy" (Vitebsk) list of the models
ГП "Витебское предприятие котельных и теплосетей" list of the models
Группа компаний "СХМ" (Витебск) list of the models
ОАО "Доломит" (Витебский район, п. Руба) list of the models
Transexpedition (Vitebsk) list of the models
УТСЧП "Стройсфера" (Витебск) list of the models
JSC "Vitebsk broiler poultry farm" list of the models
OAO "Vitebskiy myasokombinat" list of the models
OAO "Mechanisirovanaya kolonna №43" (Vitebsk) list of the models
RUE "house-building plant" (Vitebsk) list of the models
JSC "Autovobile company №4" (Vitebsk) list of the models
UChPKP "Orchidea" (Orsha) list of the models
OOO "Savushkin-Orsha" list of the models
Управление механизации №90 (Орша) list of the models
CUP "Orshanskaya specautobase" list of the models
ООО "Белспецагротранс" (Оршанский филиал) list of the models
JSC "Orsha bread products company" list of the models
OAO "Orshanskiy aviaremontniy zavod" list of the models
JSC "Orsha Meat-Packing Plant" list of the models
ООО "АвтоМАЗ" (Орша) list of the models
ООО "Производственно-коммерческая компания Омега" list of the models
Orsha UMG (branch JSC "Gasprom Transgas Belarus") list of the models
OAO "Agrokombinat "Jubileinyi" list of the models
Construction and installation train №724 (Orsha) list of the models
"Lepel MKK" (Lepel) list of the models
JSC "Polotsk MK" (Polotsk) list of the models
ООО "Сузор'е" (Полоцк) list of the models
BelTechnoService (Novopolotsk) list of the models
OAO "Glubokskiy molochniy kombinat" list of the models
OAO "Postavskiy molochiy zavod" list of the models
OAO "Verchnedvinskiy maslosyrzavod" list of the models

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Формат внесения номера для безномерных или редких авто:
(BY-2) Б/Н ****, где **** - порядковый номер профиля от 0 до 9999

Формат транзитных и временных номеров:
2ХХ Т ****
ХХ ВР ****, где ХХ - буквенная серия, **** - цифры от 0001 до 9999

Серии обычных госномеров вносятся кириллицей на русском языке, кроме серий с белорусской буквой "І":
АА ****-2 - номера стандарта 2004 года
АВ ****-2
АЕ ****-2
АІ ****-2
АК ****-2
АМ ****-2
ВВ **** - номера стандарта 2000 года
ВІ ****
ВА **** - номера стандарта 1992 года
ВВ ****
ВЕ ****
ВМ ****
ВС ****
**** ВТЛ - номера стандарта 1977 года
**** ВТМ
**** ВТН
**** ВТО
**** ВТП
**** ВТР
**** МИМ - серия автомобилей МВД, в т.ч. ВПО (ныне МЧС)
**-** ВТЖ - номера стандарта 1958 года
**-** ВТЛ
**-** ВТМ
**-** ВТН
**-** ВТО

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